
End of Week-end

This is Friday night. That means tomorrow is a new week. Week-ends are 1 day only and it's Friday, as in many Muslim countries. At first, it was difficult to be on week-end on Fridays as all my relatives have "regular" week-ends. I'm getting used to it though.

Yesterday we had a party with coworkers. It was held in our building. It was nice, I spent most of my time playing with the kids. I may post some pics later. After the drinks we went to a grill around the corner and had chicken as take-away. We

Today, I played with the oven and other appliances. It's a gas oven. I have never had any gas appliances. I need to get used to ignite the gas coming from the nozzles.

Then, I went to the LULU supermarket. I needed to buy groceries for the new apartment. It was hell, many people go shopping on Fridays since it's their only day off. There were many Indians and Omanis, so many you could drive your trolley in the alleys ! I bought couple of things but quickly became fed up with the crowd. I spent time in the fruit/vegetables section. It was interesting, there are some fruits I had never seen before, I should write their name down so that I can look up what they are. In the same way, prices for "common" (I mean the ones I'm used to see in French supermarket) fruits is high though some "exotic" fruits are kind of cheap. However there is no general trend on prices. Some stuff are really cheap compared to France and some others so expensive I can't afford to buy them. For instance a Camembert (French cheese) is about 3 RO (6€).

When you buy a coconut here, you can ask to have it "shredded" : you pick up the fruit and they put it in a machine that separates the white part from the brown part. They hand you back a bag with your shredded coconut in it. I should try that next time.

While typing this message, I'm listening to :

  • Duffy - Stepping stone
  • Fiesta Elektronica by Alp & Outwork (nice version a bit more electro than the radio edit):

Duffy - Stepping Stone (live)

I discovered Duffy's song on the radio here in Oman. There are 2 English-speaking FM Radio stations in Muscat : 95.9MHz and 90.4MHz. I sometimes listen to them on my way to or from work (45min drive when there is no traffic) though their DJ sometimes piss me off with too much talking.

It reminds me of "93.1 Pure Dance Channel" which I use to listen all the time in Florida. Unfortunately, the station doesn't broadcast anymore. (I have just checked, the station seems to be up and running again). You can check it out here.

It's getting late. Time for me to go to bed.

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